Give Now
Select a gift level and frequency that feels meaningful to you. Your gift at any level enables us to house families and provide services, job training, and support for their journey to self-sufficiency.
Prefer sending a check? Our mailing address is 5830 Evergreen Way Everett, WA 98203. Thank you!

Planned Giving
The Society of Hope was formed to recognize members of a wonderful group of Housing Hope supporters: those who have made a planned gift as a way of leaving a legacy or honoring a loved one or friend. These supporters tell us they also leave such gifts because Housing Hope is a cause that is important in their lives and they want to continue to provide support for our families in perpetuity.
Leave a Lasting Legacy
Making a planned gift sounds daunting to many, but it can be as simple as adding Housing Hope as a beneficiary on a retirement account or insurance policy. Additionally, various planned gifts can also have the added benefits of providing a steady source of income to the donor and/or reducing a family’s tax burden.
Various planned giving options are:
Beneficiary Designation
Donor Advised Funds
General Bequest
Life Insurance Policies
Gifts of Appreciated Assets (e.g. mutual funds, stock, real property)
Charitable Gift Annuities
Bargain Sales
Charitable Lead Trusts
Charitable Remainder Trust
Life Estates
If you’d like to further explore how you could honor a loved one and deepen your support of our families, please reach out to
One of the ways we honor our Society of Hope members’ commitments is by holding an annual dinner in the fall.
This is an informal event at which members gather to celebrate the organization’s impact from the past twelve months and learn about exciting new plans for the year to come. New members are also recognized.
It’s a delightful evening of mingling with other guests while enjoying wine and tasty food.
Current Society of Hope Members
Anonymous (9)
Carol Baker
Connie Bowser
Charles & Donna Cole*
Sue (& Tom*) Cooper
Hans & Martha Dankers
Harold Dash & Vicky Romero
Helen (& Tom*) Fahey
Gordon & Eleanor Ferguson*
Kay Frederickson & Randy Kolb
Steven & Heather Gadd
Chris (& Ed*) Gray
Dave & Melinda Grout
Harry Heintz*
Harry Hoffman*
Floyd & Delores Jones*
Ardell Kuchenbecker*
Bill Larter* & Lynn Nixon
Maureen Malley and Jeff Capeloto
Shan McNeilly*
Jo Metzger Levin & Don Levin
Shirley Morrow
Todd Morrow
Connie Niva
Lianne (& Duane*) Pearson
Carol & Ed Petersen
Sig & Rebecca Petersen
Shelby Platt
Ross & Judy Rettenmier
Jim & Marjorie Ross*
Ed Rubatino*
Nelda Sandberg*
Steve & Jo Saunders*
Ken & Flo Schilaty*
Mel & Deby Southwick
Shirley & Bruce Sutherland*
Charlotte Unger
Sonia Siegel Vexler (& Paul Vexler*)
Jon and Donna Witte
Ida Mae Wolfe*
Clare Wood*
Judi Worley
George & Amy Youngstrom*
*indicates a member who has passed away

Workplace Giving
Double your impact! Many employers will match your gift to Housing Hope. Ask your HR department whether your company matches! Securing the match is as simple as filling out your company’s paper or electronic submission form.
As employers realize the increased importance of corporate social responsibility, many find that offering to match gifts gives their employees a voice in where their company’s philanthropic dollars end up. Your employer’s match can double (maybe even triple!) your generosity. Many matching gift policies allow retirees, employee spouses, board members, and officers to donate.
What are employee matching gift programs?
Employee matching gift programs are corporate giving programs in which the company matches donations made by employees to eligible nonprofit organizations. It's an easy way to double your contribution to us!
What are volunteer grant programs?
Volunteer grant programs are corporate giving programs in which companies provide monetary donations to organizations where employees volunteer regularly. If you volunteer with us, it's an easy way to provide us with additional financial support!
What if I still have questions?
For questions regarding your company's programs, please contact your employer's HR or community giving department.
You can donate most any vehicle, including cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles and recreational vehicles. They do not have to be currently running.
Since Housing Hope is a non-profit organization and all donations qualify as a charitable deduction on your federal income tax return, your donation is tax deductible.
Have your car title (or Affidavit in Lieu of Title) and information about where the vehicle is located and the condition of the vehicle. Once you have provided these details, a towing company will call you to schedule transport. The driver will pick up the keys and signed title.
Housing Hope has partnered with Vehicles For Charity to process donated vehicles. Just call 1-866-628-2277 or click below to get started!
Donate Your Vehicle

Did you know?
The IRS allows you to take a charitable tax deduction on your federal income tax form equal to $500 or the amount the vehicle sells for at auction, whichever is more. If your vehicle sells for more than $500, Vehicles for Charity will supply the IRS form 1098C for documentation.
We recommend you consult your tax advisor with questions about your deduction.