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Housing Community Highlight: Twin Lakes Landing

Updated: Jan 29

Since 1987, Housing Hope has been an undeniable force for change in Snohomish County. Tackling affordable housing, homelessness, job training, substance addiction, financial stability, job readiness, and so many more tough circumstances that face our region has never been an easy task, and it's only through our amazing support staff that we are able to provide consistency in such wrap around services.

Twin Lakes Women's Self Defense Class Participants
Twin Lakes Women's Self Defense Class Participants

We wanted to highlight a community that has been seeing so much positive change throughout 2024 and now into 2025. As one of our newest housing communities, Twin Lakes Landing has been a focus for our organization of late. Opening in 2023, Twin Lakes is the home to over 110 families and individuals. This amazing community has seen ups and downs over the past few years, but the sense of community, participation in community events, heartwarming success stories from residents, and so much more keep shining through as a true inspiration of hope for the mission and future we are all working towards.

In 2024, our amazing team of Family Support Coaches at Twin Lakes, Debbie, Joan, and Mike, have been incredibly vital to all of the inspirational stories of success happening there. This amazing team has developed programing for residents that includes everything from self defense classes, to crock pot cooking, and they have no signs of slowing down!

Between their love and passion for supporting the Twin Lakes community at large, and the hand on approach to meeting residents where they are at with trauma informed care, Twin Lakes has seen radical transformations for some of their most in need residents. We're seeing amazing success stories from residents, such as a single mother finding career stability for herself and her ability to provide for her kids, residents becoming a network of support and accountability for one another on their own personal journeys, and so much more!

Watching individuals transform their lives, find lasting stability, and begin a new chapter in their lives is at the heart of our mission at Housing Hope. Addressing the difficult situations and obstacles that people are facing does not always have a straight forward approach, but through consistency in care, housing, and wrap around services, we continue to see amazing change happening in our communities and individuals. Seeing such change is inspiring, humbling, and is fuel to our fires as we keep pushing forward into 2025 and beyond!

Thank you to all of our amazing support coaches, not only those at Twin Lakes, to our amazing nonprofit staff, our community of generous donors, and to our incredible residents that we care and love so deeply.

The NEW Twin Lakes Community Leadership Team
The NEW Twin Lakes Community Leadership Team

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