Team HomeBuilding
Team HomeBuilding is a homeownership program that makes the dream of owning a quality home a reality for hard-working families in Snohomish County, Washington.
Our waitlist is currently closed.
What is Team HomeBuilding?
Housing Hope's Team HomeBuilding program is based on a United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development program called Mutual Self Help Housing. Since 1976, more than 50,000 families have fulfilled their dream of homeownership.
Do I qualify?
Qualifications are based on income and a two-year work history, low debt obligations, and credit score. You must be committed to providing labor and learn to assist in the building of new homes as a team.
The program is available to United States citizens or permanent residents.
How do I apply?
If you dream of owning a home, download the application here.
Or, call (425) 322-3723, ext. 230 and leave your name and mailing address for the application, or email homes@housinghope.org to request an application by mail.
Para información en español, haga clic aquí.
Meeting all of these requirements indicates a strong candidate for the Housing Hope Team HomeBuilding Homeownership Program. The next step is to fill out and send in the prequalified application.
You, or someone you know, may qualify if the following applies:
You have an ongoing source of income that can be documented with a two-year work history.
You have a combined household gross income (before taxes) of at least $4417* per month
Low monthly credit card/loan debt obligations including deferred student loans. Student loans are still considered as a monthly debt obligation even while in deferment.
You have the will to provide labor and learn to assist in the building of new homes as a team instead of having to provide a cash down payment.
You have a credit score of 640 or above.
You are ready to work on any credit issues.
You are a United States citizen or permanent resident.
Call (425) 322.3723 x230 or e-mail at homes@housinghope.org

Some features of Team HomeBuilding homes:
Low Monthly Payments
Interest Rates as low as 1%
Why rent, when you could have a house payment lower than your rent?
Zero-Down Sweat Equity Loans
Energy Star Homes
Three to four bedrooms
2 bathrooms
Two car garage
Households may qualify with income as low as $53,000* ($4,417 per month). Upper-income limits are based on household size. For example, a family of four can earn no more than $97,850 per year. A family of eight can earn no more than $129,150 per year.
*Income is based on the 2020 Area Median Income (AMI) for Snohomish County published by U.S. Department of HUD and is subject to change. Incomes must be below 80% AMI as adjusted for household size.
What is it like to participate in the Team HomeBuilding program?
Building Groups are comprised of five to ten, low to moderate-income Owners/Builders providing “sweat equity” instead of a down payment.
Owners/Builders need a source of steady income. You will have a monthly mortgage payment. Payments don’t start until you move in and are often subsidized for those who have lower incomes, making the cost less than market rent for an apartment.
One-third of the work is hired out and performed by subcontractors. The balance is done by the Owner/Builders, their families, friends, and community volunteers.
Families can be as small as a single person. Many of our Owners/Builders are single parents.
Team HomeBuilding is an Equal Opportunity Program. Accommodations can be made for Owner/Builders with disabilities.
Each Team member works on all the homes within the Group, and no one moves in until all the homes are completed.
No construction experience is required. Everyone can find a role to help complete the project. Due to state labor and safety laws, no one under the age of 18 is allowed on the work site.
A full-time Construction Supervisor is present on-site to help guide the Team’s efforts.
Owner/Builders will be working with other Team members on a wide range of tasks. There are an amazing number of things that need to be done when building a house.